Friday, April 19, 2013

Good memories...

I finally let NotNicky eat that cake she's been eyeing for the past four years. It seemed appropriate since that's the year she was born.

NotNicky adored plushies. 
Her favorites were the pink fox plushie and ladybug.
She was also always fond of this big bright blue teddy bear!

She absolutely loved jumping in her bouncy castle.

NotNicky loved ballet.

She loved these paintings.

This was her favorite tree. Not only because of the color, but because of the cute silver star fruits it produced! She constantly ate those fruits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

She also had multiple petlings, almost all pink.
A jaguar named Sadie.
A cat named Ma Ma..
A kitten named Moo Moo.
A unicorn named Princess.
A lion named Simba.
A lioness named Nala.

She loved ponies, Pegasuses, and unicorns.

She's always been fond of this creature.
I found it interesting that there is no such name for a winged lion.
The closest mythological creature it comes to is a griffin.

Pet Society, however, calls it an Olympus Sphinx. 
Which means, it's actually supposed to be the body of a lion and a human head.
Looks more like a lion with wings to me. I like it anyway. :P

NotNicky and Hellcat

Losing NotNicky is hard enough, but losing Hellcat as well is twice as hard. Here's the young couple giggling away, blissfully unaware of their fate.  Rest In Peace Hellcat.

Rest In Peace

Born on May 30th, 2009 and doomed to die on June 14th, 2013.

Here lies NotNicky. 
Beloved pet.
Longtime friend.

Trying to say goodbye.

So I'm curious to hear from my blog readers... How are you saying goodbye to Pet Society?

What are you doing until June 14th? - Did you stop playing or will you play up until the end? Did you gift things away or are you keeping all of your items? Do you have any goals before the  game ends? Did you empty out all of your rooms or keep them decorated?

At first, I thought I should empty out all of my rooms. It hurts more seeing my beautiful creations get deleted. Of course, I took a lot of pictures first. However, on second thought, I recreated a cozy little house for my pet. I don't want her to die alone. So, I surrounded her with all of her favorite things. I'm also helping my friends with their dreams.

Saying goodbye to this game is going to be hard. I sort of wish it wasn't a long, drawn out goodbye. It's usually easier to just say goodbye and go, rather than linger for two months knowing the end is still coming. :(

I did start playing Party Town, though I'm not exactly in love with the game. It's just a way to pass the time. It's cute and similar to Pet Society, but it's not the same. Even though "diamonds" are cheaper, a lot more items are for cash. They have a lot of  items to choose from, but not a lot of items to make a good room with. (Especially not enough pink!)

Here's NotNicky's new look:

In this game, she's a kitty.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Goodbye Pet Society...

Yes, it is true. Our beloved Pet Society has finally come to an end. On June 14th, 2014 Pet Society will cease to exist. Millions of virtual pets will be lost forever. While these pets are only pixels, they will be missed dearly.

Over the next two months, I will be filling this blog with pictures of my pet, my home, my ponies, etc. After June 14th, this blog will no longer be updated. I will not delete it though. It will stand as a memory of a game I once loved.