Sunday, August 19, 2012

Honorary Mention!

This post has been deleted since obviously someone did not want their pictures shared, but didn't have the nerve to tell me to my face. I'm sorry I wanted to share your designs with others. I would have just posted my rooms, inspired by yours, but I wanted to give you credit. Sorry for trying to be nice. All you had to do was ask me to remove them and I would have gladly.

That goes for anyone whose picture I used on this blog. I use anything Pet Society related because I figure that if it's posted on the public PS forum, that it's okay to post on my PS blog. (Since only PS players look at it and I only advertise my blog on the PS forum. If you don't want me using your photo, please let me know and I'll gladly remove it. I don't mean to upset anyone. I just want to share things I like.

Anyway this is my room! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey there :)

    I love your blog! You are like the only other person who has a Pet Society blog and actually updates it everyday! I also have a blog, and you can check it out here:

    Hope to see more of you! I will be coming back for more updates. Thanks :)

    PS. Comment on one of my posts and maybe we can do a shoutout/interview/feature our rooms for eachother! :D
