Welcome to my new home. It's located at the beach! I have so many rooms. Let me show you around.
This is the entrance.

This would be my second garden. It's not really done with it yet. My mommy says the gardens are always the hardest for her to decorate.
Here's the kitchen. Did you know red makes you eat faster? That's why many fast food restaurants use red in their color schemes. My mommy tells me lots of random facts.
Anyway, this picture was taken at breakfast. I was making an orange coollata, a type of icy orange drink, for myself. Hellcat also made us pancakes! He loves to cook. I just like to eat. Hehe. His are the big stack covered in syrup, whip cream, and nuts. I just like plain pancakes with fruit and a little whip cream. We have opposite tastes in food.
This is my bedroom. Can you tell? My mommy calls it the pink and purple room. Hellcat doesn't like it much, but that's okay. =]
This is my hobby room. I'm a really creative kitty. I love to paint and the ocean scenery is perfect for that! I also like to go out on the deck and read a lot.
This is my blue bathroom. Isn't it relaxing?
This is the deck. Oh no! It looks like a storm is coming!
I'll save this spot for my Secret Garden. Here you'll see my Treehouse.
This is my special Treehouse. Hellcat and I use it as a get away. We love to go there and just be together. It's so relaxing.
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