Saturday, October 15, 2011

All Pink Pegasus, Pony, and Unicorn!

My three dream ponies, finally complete.
[Never EVER for trade.]

I actually like the fact that each of their hair and tails are different.
They are not twins, just sisters.

Do I have a favorite?
I could never answer that.
I love them all equally.

So tempted to get a Pet Society pony tattoo. :blush:

NOTICE: It seems that multiple people have attempted to claim these three ponies as theirs and try to sell them on the forum. These ponies are obviously mine and due to scammers trying to use my pictures, I will be watermarking them when needed!


  1. My favourite?
    PONY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Pony is sooooooooooooooo cute ♥_♥

  3. Hey!Those are my dream ponies too!!!
